26 September 2006

Holy Crap! It's Baby Ken!

So cool... making little people and stuff!

This is Ken and Jermaine's new baby - a beautiful little boy born on Sunday morning at 1am. If you've had a baby or something, the fact that he was 7lbs 1oz, and delivered in 5 hours... will mean more to you than it does to me.

Now everyone always hopes for the usual stuff when children are born. The typical 'successful, happy, good job, nice family' dreams for this little guy's future. I'd like to wish some different things on this tiny man, which, you know, people just don't think about at this stage.

So here's hoping this dude:

1. Rarely has bad breath.
2. Has natural rythym, and is never accused of 'flailing around' when he hits a dance floor.
3. Gets an amazing homeroom teacher in grade 5, who treats all students equally on principle but privately likes him the best.
4. Has a disarming smile.
5. Has an extremely short 'awkward phase' during puberty, mainly occuring over the summer between grades 8 and 9 so he enters high school as 'hot new guy'.

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