Capricorn Birthday Party II: Clinton
Two friends - Quentin and Clinton - both had their birthdays on Saturday. Oh the delightful hijinx!
As you browse through, consider the following:
- Why is everyone wearing white?
- Why wouldn't you expect polyester granny panties to be incredibly hot?
- Why don't I roll in a Lex all the time?
Mika with Birthday Man... kiiiiind of looking like he's making a poo.
Headless Mika. Way hot!
This girl's crazy meter was reading white hot.
Word. It's me and Clinton drunkenly busting rhymes on the roof. Our biggest lament? The dearth of rhymes for '7'. It'll be a hard year for MC's... no joke.
Edit: So Clinton allegedly thinks I have a 'lame/bad girl rapper' pose in this photo. To which I reply - speak for yourself Mr. Taking-A-Poo-Or-Looking-Like-A-Camel-In-All-Your-Photos.
This was one of the tamest of a disturbing yet insanely hot photo series I found on my camera the next day. Yes, I fully support secret camera-borrowing.
The next two photos are from Joni's amazing flickr set and are such great photos I had to share them.
Tripping the light fantastic.
Probably the best party photo I've ever seen.
Gangsta rap? Lexus? Joni pretty much bleeds Cristal at this point.