30 November 2006

Tom Waits on hip hop...

Hip-hop is still kind of the Old West. It's a reasonably unsettled territory and truly the cutting edge of blues. They're still trying to put hot sauce in a milkshake. No one is going to pull you over and give you a ticket for it because it's still defining itself.

From an interview with the Chicago Tribune

28 November 2006

Blood, sweat and tears...

... at the 2006 Seattle Marathon. Oh yeah - and booze. Lots and lots of booze.

Let's let the photos do the talking, aiight?

Yup, that's what running twenty-six miles'll do to you. Also crazy gross - the guys with bleeding nipples. Uh... ewwww.

Two of the most hardcore people of all time. Seriously - these two are my heroes.

Hey! It's the Beckstar, rounding out the contrived post title during a ridiculously hung over viewing of Prime on the hotel TV Monday morning.

And the debauchery continued all weekend. Some of the most delightful memories weren't caught on tape... a fact for which my blood-relation readership will be grateful I'm sure.

As if! The Marriott supplies this enlightened text along with the bible and book of mormon.

Round one: Post-race mimosas and bloody marys in the hotel bar.

Round two: A celebratory bottle of Cristalina up in the room.

Round three and four: free-pour highballs and tequila shots in the red-lit Mexican bar.

Round five: te-quila! Shots with strangers are always fun.

Round therve... Seriously. No SERIOUSLY. I love that hat on you soooo much. Shut up! For se-rious!

And here we are at the Drunk Girls in a Gay Bar series. Make sure you click the link - it's a photo essay unto itself.

By the way, it snowed.

And to me the drive home, although long and hungover, was absolutely majestic.

Violence in vertigo.

This Saturday was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. A clearly worthy cause.

Here is a impactful campaign done by J.W.T.'s Lisbon office, promoting awareness of this day.

The tagline is: As you can’t feel what they feel, see what they see.

Not to bum you out or anything, but the following statistics are sad and scary:

- 700,000. Women raped or sexually assaulted each year in the U.S.
- One in Seven. U.S. women reporting having been raped before the age of 17.
- One in Five. Ninth-grade girls reporting at least one incident of physical sexual abuse, in a randomly selected study of nearly 1,200 ninth-grade students in Geneva, Switzerland.
- 50 percent of the women who die from homicides that are killed by current or former partners.
- 130 million. Girls and women alive today that have undergone female genital mutilation. Although the Raelians are doing what they can with Clitoraid, it's still an important issue.
- Half a million. Women raped during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

All stats from United Nations Development Fund for Women. So so sad.