15 October 2006

Then the party foul...

An open letter re: Friday's party foul:

Dear couch guy,

Listen, I know it's hard. You're all on some camping weekend, you meet what you think is a friendly dog, yada yada yada, suddenly you're a werewolf. I get it - it's a rough life.

But biting a stranger? Really hard on the arm and not letting go? Bad bad bad couch guy. If you want to be let out of your kennel at parties, this is not the way to do it.

Looking out for you,

As secretary-treasurer, I call this meeting of party bite victims to order.

An untouched close-up. Note that this bite happened through my jacket.

It's weird. Lately I find myself getting accidentally beat up. At dance class last week a girl elbowed me in the face. I ended up bleeding all over the bathroom like some billion-dollar baby. And now the party-biter.

Now with coincidences like these I have to wonder... what's the bigger point here? Does the universe has a message for me of some kind, and is it just going to keep repeating itself until I clue in? In which case, should I start wearing protective gear all day long?

And seriously - what is the message here? I deserve a beatdown? If anyone has any insight into why I'm suddenly finding myself the victim of accidental aggression, please offer it.


Anonymous said...

I came upon your blog during my random sojourn through the "next blog" button and wanted to let you know that I visited. That is a pretty nasty bruise you got there -- I also don't like Myspace. I thought I was just too old for it, but after reading your opinion it seems that age has nothing to do with it. Happy birthday.

Rhya said...

umm...maybe you are just tasty?

as for the elbow in the face, that just sounds like that other girl was a BAAAD dancer.

umm...but seriously, what is up with getting bitten? That is so random, and strange.

are you feeling funny around silver now?
