18 October 2006

I'll play Bobby you play Whitney...

Tonight's episode of Top Model was a good reminder of why so many people get together to watch this divine bit of pop culture gutter trash every week.

I mean seriously, this photo shoot? Where the models pose as both halves of a trashy celebrity couple? Priceless.

Clockwise from top left: Jaeda, this season's high testosterone case, as Bobby and Whitney; Amanda, 'the straight twin' as Ashton and Demi; Brooke, the flyest MC, rockin' Britney and Kevin; and Melrose, corn-fed know-it-all, doing a surprisingly accurate Donald Trump and Melania.

While some of the styling was questionable - Anchal's disturbing Steadman (right) being a prime example - the shoot was funny and pretty creative. I think someone finally sent Jay Manuel to art school! Snap!

So far this season's photo shoot concepts have included: circus freaks - including 'siamese' twins, bearded ladies and elephant women; hair wars - featuring ridiculous motorized hair sculpture; modelling stereotypes - including bulemic, drug-addicted and slutty. It's a good time for Top Model fans. A good time indeed.

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