15 October 2006

First the good parties...

With the exception of a minor brush with rabies, Friday night was a magical brew of party madness.

We started at ye olde Wild Coyote, where I have to give mad props to Joni and her cousin Colin, the owner. He hooked us up large! Ridiculous good times. The spontaneous suburban streetside photo shoots after? All class, all the way. And Patty-C's jumpsuit karaoke party later that evening? Off the hook.

I'm just waiting for the photos from Mika, and then you will see how we turn it out old skool on a foggy Friday night.

Edit: After me beatin' her down like a crackho for rock, she's now sent the photos. You'd better hold on to your socks, because they're about to be rocked off. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:

Thirteen photos of Friday the thirteenth

No. 1: The VIPs step to the club. Soooo gangsta.

No. 2: My! T'was was so kindly of these gentlemen to demonstrate the traditional gang signs of their native Richmond for us.

No. 3: More gang signs. How you gonna step to this bad ass mama?

No. 4: Even when near sweat-related death, I always throw up my 'Ar-ah'.

No. 5: This one is priceless. The looks in their eyes? Classic.

No. 6: Marcus. Mika. Joni. Gangsta. Gangsta. Gangsta.

No. 7: Marcus and Nick try too outrun the fog. Boys are so silly!

No. 8: Have you ever had the kind of night where standing under a sign that says 'Lounge Entrance' and pointing to your crotch seemed like the right move? Yeah, me and Joni neither.

No. 9: We arrive at Patty-C (guess which one's him!)'s karaoke jumpsuit birthday party around 1 to find the fun well underway.

No. 10: The birthday boy with some dames. Fun fact: I used to tutor Ashleigh (right) years ago, when she was a cool high school kid who thought math was boring, and not the illustrious singer-songwriter/ luminescent party cheetah she is today.

No. 11: Carley looks pretty creeped out by me in this shot. I can't imagine why.

No. 12: Damn right that's why they call them jumpsuits. Ashleigh, Pat, Joni, Rob.

No. 13: Joni, earning her MVP trophy for the evening. Well played Joni... well played indeed.


Anonymous said...

why is it that I never get the MVP award for all the nights we go out (and that I organize)? Is it because I don't wear crazy leotards? Is it because I am not really black? Is it because I don't introduce you to cool and interesting people? Wait...wait..wait..waitwaitwait...is it because I never get laid?


Beckstar, Queen of the Galactic Robot Mafia said...

You don't get the MVP because you're more like the coach, or the manager.

See you're all the Brian Burke, and other people are the Naslund or Luongo and you're all 'yup, I made this team'.

You get the higher salary, and you rarely get traded.

Oh wait no - it's because you never get laid.