09 October 2006

Fun with Fei and Friends!

So my really good friend Fei was in town this weekend. Unfortunately there wasn't a camera around to capture the good times of shopping, drinking, movie watching and giggling. Not to mention the tickle fights.

In fact, if our friend Janos hadn't been around to snap a shot while we waited bleary-eyed for breakfast at the Templeton, we'd have no record of the delightful madness.

Contents: 2 sleepy girls. Directions: Add caffeine and eggs. Toss.

Since it was Fei's birthday last weekend (October 1st), I'm going to give a short shout-out to this wild child from the Far East. It was a smoggy afternoon in Beijing when I met this girl, and we turned it out hard.

So to the girl that spent all too many nights on strange Chinese dancefloors by my side; the girl who will always tell you straight; the girl who always has your back; the girl who defies cultural stereotypes on both sides of the Pacific...

Happy Birthday girl - you're totally chou mei but I love you just the same.

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