27 October 2006

Clio Awards screening

On Wednesday (instead of watching Top Model with the crew - I know, I'm such a martyr), I went with some co-workers to see the i have an idea screening of the 2006 Clio Awards winners.

Some of the usual suspects were accounted for - the Bravia Balls ad and the Carleton Big ad both won golds.

But some surprises as well. Like the fact that some of the best work was the radio ads. The Budweiser 'Men of Real Genius' spots were awesome. There was some Canadian content - most done by Taxi. But there was a surprising amount of content coming out of Thailand, including this gold-winning insurance spot.

Short. Impactful. On Message. Me like.

But this silver award winner was my favourite ad of the night. A campaign for 'Smooth E Baby Face Cream', an acne cleanser, these spots were made in Thailand, and aired in an episodic soap opera format. It's so weird, engaging and funny that it's hard to look away. Something is lost in translation a bit with YouTube but... enjoy nonetheless.

This is a bit of a wonky file - it plays to the end and then repeats itself. True story.

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