01 March 2006

Top Models Unleashed

So the models are out, and Tyra's in fine form as usual.

I love her ridiculously airbrushed photos. There's another one which I won't even re-post here, just so you will emit the same girlish shriek I did when it leapt out at me from the site.

Speaking of the new top model site, can I briefly nerd out and complain about the ridiculously bad functionality? I can appreciate why they used Flash, and visually there are some nice things there, but the long transitions every time you open a new page, the inability to access photo galleries easily and flexibly, buried content... it's a pretty bad interface.

Okay, I put Chloe O'Brien back in her cubicle, and I'm back to talk models. The girls are the usual - all relatively good-looking, no one leaping off the page really, except for Molly Sue (below). She could suck bigtime, but this photo is hot!

It's also clearly a season of diversity. I was surprised and impressed to find that they have selected among their top 13:

A 40 year old woman:

and a mogwai:

Don't front - you know what I'm talking about:

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