12 December 2006

Federally mandated daily quota of Beckstarian content

My room - 10:47 pm:

I did a crystal meth-related project last year. While sourcing images, I found one of the most disturbing/heart-breaking photo essays I've ever seen - Children of Meth. Sadly, I was reminded of it when I looked upon my current living conditions.

Same room - 1:04 am:

For this achievement, I'd like to thank Jesus, my parents, my fabulous agent Jenny Levine, and the fantastic film Dark City.

Yes, you saw that right.

The other night, in a hungover bout of laziness, I invented this 't-shirt pillowcase' because the last clean pillowcase reeked mildly of booze. Chew on that Martha Stewart, you hapless bitch!

Bonus! Fur hat photo shoot!

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