06 November 2006

28 random facts about the Beckstar!

Yes folks, it's my 28th birthday. Why not finally respond to the screaming hoardes, and give up some info about me, the eminent and glorious creature known as The Beckstar?

28. Due to watching a solar eclipse on May 10, 1994, I have retinal damage in the form of a faint bunch of crescent moons floating around in my right eye.

27. I quietly believe that the above scenario has given me special powers.

26. My Chinese name is Ming Yue, which means Bright Moon.

25. My favourite number is 6.

24. I often silently dance like crazy in elevators, stairwells and other concealed public locations.

23. I don't have a cell phone or driver's licence.

22. I have a top secret myspace profile I use strictly for creepy lurking.

21. My eyes change colour depending on light and outfit.

20. I am never as good in hip hop dance classes as I think I'm going to be.

19. I often daydream about getting interviewed for profiles in important magazines.

18. I can competently and safely fire dance.

17. If the chips are down, I will watch Full House.

16. I grew up with one brother, and after 28 years, he's still one of the coolest and smartest guys I've ever met.

15. I really, really liked school and tests as a kid. I still do.

14. I'm quite picky about spoon size.

13. I once gave myself a bullring (nose piercing through the middle) with just an icecube and a sewing needle.

12. I chew my fingers like those fabled cats chewed off their dead owners face. Hey - everyone has one bad habit, no?

11. My secret guilty pleasure music? Phil Collins.

10. I can't really get serious about a future with a guy until I know his feelings on interplanatary colonization. Not even joking.

9. I really like robots.

8. I started eating meat again about 6 months ago, after being a vegetarian for most of the last 10 years. What broke me? A pile of salami after a night of hard drinking rye.

7. I always eat the batter when I bake. Even with pancakes.

6. I tend towards inappopriate over-sharing. Always.

5. I have a strong and irrational hatred of rubber bands, wet newspapers and the smell of microwave popcorn.

4. I was born at 10:28 pm in London, Ontario.

3. I love drinking from baby bottles. I used them until quite late in childhood; my dad my mom - she just called with clarification - finally threw all of my bottles into a field on a road trip to stop my incessant whining for them. I even secretly drink from the children's bottles when babysitting.

2. I find it almost impossible to say no to costumes, dancing or glitter.

And the number one random fact about the Beckstar is..........

1. You tell me! Post a random Beckstar fact in the comment section, and win something really cool! Like my undying love and friendship!


Anonymous said...

As father to one of the two greatest progeny the world has ever known, it was me who threw the "bottla" (Becca's incipient word for bottle) into a cornfield on the road trip. The unbelievable thing was that even being prevarbal she was able to recount the incident latter in life. Please do not write a "Daddy Dearest" .....
I am truly blessed to be Becca's dad.

Anonymous said...

28. Becca has enough technological savvy to create this mind-bendingly awesome blog, but has no idea how to work her digital camera.