09 January 2007

Go, monkey, go!

There's really no commentary required here...

Check the amazing look he gives the camera at the beginning. Loves it!

Okay, maybe a little commentary.

While shopping for food for the black dog, Scott saw some monkey jockey footage on a dvd for dogs.

This is Whiplash, a 16 year veteran monkey jockey. This photo is obviously amazing.

So cute! It's like a tiny Charleton Heston!

Now obviously monkeys riding dogs are always going to be funny. I mean, what am I - made of stone?

Of course, I do feel obliged to mention that it's proooooobably not the best thing for either animal. Although they do look like they're having fun, what with the terrified shrieking and the hysterical dashing around the pen.

Animal Rights Florida certainly condemns the practice, saying that training-by-abuse is common. They include a mildly sinister quote from another pioneer in the business:

“I know what I've been through to train a monkey to ride a dog and if I can train a monkey to ride a dog, I can train a rock to do tricks."
- Tim Lepard

Creeptastic! I mean seriously - these guys are basically carneys with monkeys. Nobody wants to see that.

The monkey wears the shirt to hide all the bruises. Tommy Lucia, you monkey-abusing freak.

I really couldn't find anything around that fully explains the whole monkey jockey thing, but I did find a photo series that suggests it's not entirely a new phenomenon:

I particularly love the second contraption.

Ah, it's all so very, very weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...