13 February 2007

Oh YKK zipper ads, how do I hate thee...

Let me count the ways:

1. Fashionable by nature? Did the agency phone that one in or what? Talk about thinking up a tagline while driving to the meeting.

2. Spiders. Gross.

3. Conceptually, what the hell does this have to do with the product? What does it even say? IT DOESN'T COMPUTE!

4. Spiders. My personal nemeses.

Gee, I can't imagine how this image would be alarming to users of this product


Anonymous said...

Really, Come on. Does YKK even need to advertise? I think the world just ended.

It's not like i am about to walk up to freekin' Levi and say "Yo what's up Levi? Hows Strouss?? By the way could you please use YKK zippers? What, You already do? Oh, Well okay then, Nevermind."

Rhya said...

i would also like to point out that spiders did not come from Nature.
they came from hell...except maybe that goodie two shoes spider charlotte...but all the other ones from hell I say!

Anonymous said...

Holy Toledo...
I gots a question (and an answer):
Question: Where do YKK zippers often hang out?
Ans: Near one's nether regions.

Is there a worse place to have a YKK zipper spider?

Check this out... Perhaps "zipper spider" is a hip new way to say that one has crabs. For example: "Who brought zipper spiders to the party?"
