16 January 2007

The Other Evolution of Dance...

Sure, you could watch that guy doing the Evolution of Dance comedy performance. You know, the one where one guy performs the entire history of popular dance, from the twist to the robot and beyond. Yeah, it's pretty good I guess.

But, if you will, let me present an alternate, more compact, little history, focusing on funk styles which are obviously awesome and rule:

Let's start with an all-too-timely video from one of the first hugely popular masters of the style, Mister James Brown:

Grab your notebook, because the Godfather is taking you to school.

And after James of course came Michael:

This video compilation of MJ's best dance moments? Reason #4510 that I love YouTube.

And... do I even need to 'justify' including the current master of pop dance?

Haters can hate, but I'd like to see them dance like JT.

As an additional bonus, check out this video of one of the many, many unsung masters. This guy, Pop N Taco, taught Michael Jackson to dance. Word.

Breakin'. One of the best movies of the 80's by far. After Revenge of the Nerds, obviously.

Missy said it best I think:

Big Daddy Kane and Public Enemy, Salt'n'Pepa, Lyte,
EPMD, LL, Run DMC, KRS-ONE, Rakim.
Most of them artists used to dance
and still get respected in the street.

Don't be scared to bank-head or bowl-gowl [??]
Or moonwalk as far as I care - it sold Michael Jackson 43 million.
Shoot, everybody had a zipper jacket, and have of these thugs had the glove to match it, you feel me?

Yo it's okay though.
If you wanna be hard and ice-grill,
and Harlem-shake at the same time.

Whatever - let's just have fun.
This is hip hop, man. This is hip hop.

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