14 September 2006

Code! You will obey me.

No, these are not my glasses. I just covet glasses and envy people with imperfect vision.

I've working waaaay too long building the shit out of this website. I do love to step into the code, especially on a cool mind-bending project like the volunteering form section, which is some bad-ass html/javascript/css form programming if I do say myself.

But... seriously. I just wrote the words "bad-ass html/javascript/css form programming". Even I know that's too nerdy to live.

Especially when I was up late last night partying and living the good life for Katie's birthday bash. I should really be on the couch with a spliff in one hand and the remote in the other. Ah, enough bellyaching. Let's bring on the funny.

Speaking of marijuana, I found a funny website - the Street Drug Slang Dictionary put out by the Indiana Prevention Resource Centre. It's not that I don't see the purpose of such a project, but it's pretty comedy nonetheless.

For example, they list the following hilarious marijuana-related terminology:

Alice B. Toklas = a marijuana brownie
Broccoli = marijuana
Dinkie dow = marijuana
Fly Mexican airlines = to smoke marijuana
Goof butt = marijuana cigarette
Boot the gong = to smoke marijuana

You've almost got to feel sorry for the creators of this site, not to mention the teens in Indiana currently having "I know you were using Dinkie dow! Don't lie to me!" yelled at them by their parents.

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